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Moderate Exercise Has Many Benefits to Your Health!

An exercise routine that is consistent and moderate in intensity, can have multiple physical and psychological benefits;

1) Helps control weight. In addition to burning extra calories while you're exercising, physical activity boosts "basal metabolic rate," the rate the body burns calories while at rest. When you're physically active, you continue to burn extra calories even after you stop exercising. The frequency and level of intensity of a moderate exercise program is directly related to the time frame in which weight is lost.

2) Reduces risk of heart disease. Heart disease is the nation's leading cause of death. Regular moderate exercise improves health and helps prevent heart disease by strengthening the heart, reducing blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol. It has also been shown to reduce the risk of developing diabetes and incidence of stroke.

3) Helps preserve bone. A regular weight-bearing exercise plan (walking, gardening, dancing, etc.) helps prevent bone-thinning osteoporosis, a major health problem for women over 50.

4) Builds strength, flexibility, and stamina. As you exercise, your muscles become stronger, your joints become more flexible, and you can remain active longer without tiring by improving your fitness. In other words, the more you exercise, the more you can exercise, the less taxing it feels, and the more likely you are to enjoy it and stick with it. A good beginner exercise is walking!

5) Improves sleep and minimize insomnia. Moderate exercise feels invigorating, but several hours later, it helps the body wind down to seep. Many sleep disorders experts recommend low-to-moderate-intensity exercise to improve sleep and treat insomnia. Just don't exercise shortly before bed, or you may wind up feeling more invigorated than sleepy.

6) Mood elevation. The endorphins released by moderate exercise have an antidepressant effect. Many mental health professionals encourage exercise as a natural complement to other treatments for depression.

7) Greater self-confidence. Moderate exercise provides feelings of accomplishment, which boost self-esteem.

8) Less stress and anxiety. People who diet and exercise regularly say they feel better able to cope with stress and tension.

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