Weight Loss Success
Facts from those who successfully lose and maintain weight loss.
- Most have been on 3-5 diets.
- Most have lost weight many times.
- Most have been heavy since childhood.
- Most do not feel like they're dieting.
- Most indicate maintaining is no harder than losing weight.
- Most indicate maintaining is moderately easy.
- The longer you keep it off, the easier it is to keep it off.
Their keys to Success:
- Being very active: walk, walk, walk and lots of it (>1 hour/day)
- Nipping small weight gains quickly: keeping weight within a 5 lb. range
- Weighing in at least once weekly
- Keeping their calories down (around 1400/day) and counting them
- Using a food diary
- Eating breakfast
- Using meal replacements
- They didn't have to be thin, but they wanted to be lighter. They never forgot the difficulties of being heavy.
How ManageYourWeight.com helps our patients.
- We offer many low calorie nutritious foods and beverages, high in protein, as a simple and quick way to balance carbohydrate-laden foods and count calories.
- We make available quick, convenient breakfasts and superlative meal replacements.
- We keep our prices very competitive and our products varied.
- We include calorie counters and food diaries as gifts when certain purchase requirements are met.
- We educate the public as to the latest advances in medical weight management.
- We never give up or judge.
Dr. Padla
Always check with your doctor before embarking on a weight loss program.