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Spring Into Weight Loss through Wellness

Wild weather all across the country throughout the new year may leave you feeling like you are digging out of a rough winter. As summer approaches, supporting your mental health rejuvenation may be the key to sparking motivation for weight loss. Improving mental motivation can greatly help with long-term weight loss goals.

Sustainable energy levels

As the days continue to get longer, improving energy levels may be a helpful tool in stimulating your motivation.

Small frequent meals

Small, frequent meals/snacks every 3-4 hours provide energy throughout the day. This also allows the mind and body to be supported in all its detoxification, catabolic, and anabolic processes. Through the use of Manage Your Weight's abundant snack bars, protein shakes and meal replacements you can find go-to options to support your energy and overall metabolic function. Our products are diabetic friendly, meaning they won’t spike blood sugar levels providing continuous energy without a crash and burn.

Getting back in the groove

Promoting healthy movement and physical activity may be the missing link you need to improve both mental health and achieve weight loss goals. In addition, physical activity may improve focus, provide a sense of accomplishment and be a means to social interactions. A physical activity prescription may include 2 days of aerobic exercise, 2 days of strength training, 2 days of mind-body exercise such as yoga, and 1 rest day throughout the week. Exercise should be joyful and may be referred to as “mindful movement”.

Our products can support an increase in physical activity levels by providing adequate protein sources for muscle growth. Increased protein intake has been associated with weight loss.

Improving mental health and motivation may assist in your weight loss journey. Not only can mental health improve physical health, but it may help motivate healthy activities, actions, and thoughts in those seeking weight loss. Let’s celebrate the seasons changing by getting back into the groove to support your overall health.