How Can the hCG Diet Help with Obesity?

by Dr. Padla

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a naturally occurring hormone that in small doses it suppresses hunger and activates adipose fat tissues when combined with a very low calorie diet. During the low calorie phase, you will consume lean proteins, fresh fruit and veggies. You train your body to crave healthy foods, while avoiding sugars and starches. During the injection phase your body will start to use your abnormal fat as fuel. Most women and men will lose 1 - 2lbs. per day in the first week and .5 - 1lb. thereafter. HCG has the effect of "unlocking" the body's fat stores so that the metabolism can burn these energy reserves to power daily bodily functions. This in turn helps to maintain one's muscle mass during weight loss. B vitamins play a significant role in your body's metabolism and we include a B complex vitamin injection at each appointment to stimulate the calorie burning process combined with a hCG diet. We also provide a weekly lipotropic fat dissolving injection at each appointment included in your weight loss plan.

The hCG diet has been around for over 50 years with no proven long-term or short-term negative side effects. It was originally published for morbidly obese patients, but can be used by anyone who has a BMI over 20. While on the diet, you will take hCG in the form of injection and accompanied by a very low calorie diet. You may experience minor side effects from the change in dietary patterns until the blood sugar levels stabilize over a period of time with high protein intake. These may include: headache, feeling restless or irritable, mild swelling or water weight gain, depression, breast tenderness or swelling, or pain, swelling, or irritation at injection site.

There are very few patients who are NOT candidates for the hCG diet. Conditions of those who would NOT be considered for treatment include:

Weight Loss Expectations
This will vary depending on your sex and individual metabolism. Men usually lose more quickly than women because of their larger muscle mass and therefore higher metabolism. If you are on any medications you will lose about half the amount of weight than if you were not on medication. It is possible to lose 20 - 25 lbs on a 26 day protocol, but it is not uncommon for some people to only average a .5 - .75 lb/day loss.

There are many issues that affect a person's individual weight loss. It is very important to follow the entire protocol (hCG, diet, use of only approved cosmetics, water intake, etc). For women, menstruation will cause an unusual weight loss pattern (i.e. gain, loss).

First Week Expectations
When you first begin the 500 calorie/day diet, you may encounter the following:

Headache. The intensity varies depending on your previous intake of soda, sugar, etc. It important to drink 64 oz. of water every day. Aspirin is used to relieve headache.
Some hunger and discomfort. If you did not gorge properly the first two days of injecting hCG, this could be intense and last more than a week. We provide a prescription for appetite suppressants if needed, but up to 90% of dieters will not need them.
A high initial weight loss (may be 1 - 3 lbs./day for the first 2 - 3 days), then slowing down to around .5 - 1 lb./day after 3 days. Men usually have a higher weight loss and their loss is more consistent than women. This is due to the retention and release of water in the body.

After the first week, you can expect:

Phases of the hCG Diet
Preparation and Planning While this is not considered a technical phase it is the single most important step of your hCG Plan. Commit and Schedule: block off the number of days you will be on the 500 calorie phase (Very Low Calorie Phase) on your calendar. Ideally this is a time in your life that you will not have social gatherings such as dining out or special family events to have better results. It is best to refrain from eating out since you can never be sure how your food was prepared.

Phase 1: Loading Days
Length of Phase: 2 days

Objective: Eat to capacity the most fattening food you can so that you are well stocked for Phase 2, the Very Low Calorie Phase. You'll be storing fat to be used as energy during the low calorie portion of the diet (described later). Don't skip this step; your energy and hunger level will suffer if you do.
HCG Shots: You will begin injecting on day 1 of your loading day.
Impact: It is usually on days 3 or 4 that a difference appears between those patients who have literally eaten to capacity during the first 2 days of treatment and those who have not. The former feel remarkably well; they have no hunger, nor do they feel tempted when others eat normally at the same table. They feel lighter, more clear-headed and notice a desire to move quite contrary to their previous lethargy. Those who have disregarded the advice to eat to capacity continue to have minor discomforts and do not have the same euphoric sense of self-being until about a week later.

Phase 2: Starting the Very Low Calorie (Days 3-42)
Length of Phase: 24-41 days

Continue your hCG injections for 21-37 days (the last 3 days of the very low calorie phase you will not be injecting hCG). On the third day, you'll begin the low calorie diet of 500 calories per day. You should see a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per day initially and then .5 - 1 lb. per day.

HCG Diet - 500 Calories per Day

Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one tablespoon of milk allowed in 24 hours. Stevia is the only sweetener that may be used.

100 grams (3.5 oz.) of veal, extra lean beef chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp. All visible fat must be removed before cooking and meat must be weighted raw. It can be boiled, grilled, broiled or stir-fried without additional fat.
One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following: spinach, chard, chicory, beet-greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage.
An apple, orange, or a handful of strawberries or one-half grapefruit.
One breadstick (grissino), or one Melba toast.
Dinner :
The same four choices as lunch (above.) but choosing a different protein, veggie, and fruit.

Total daily intake must not exceed 500 calories. ABSOLUTELY no substitutions or additions. You will not lose and may even gain weight!

Concluding a Course
After the final dose of hCG, the 500 calorie diet must be continued for 72 hours. This means that you will be eating the very low calorie diet but not injecting during the 72 hours to allow the hCG to leave your system.

Phase 3: Stabilize

This is the most critical part of the protocol! You will quickly regain your weight if you don't stay away from carbohydrates and starches now. The goal during this phase is to maintain your new weight loss, not lose more weight.
Length of Phase: 6 weeks, divided.

You are no longer taking hCG during this phase. This is THE most important phase of the diet. If this is not done correctly, your new weight set-point will not be established and you are very likely to regain your losses. The first 3 weeks eat 5 servings of protein, 4 veggies, 3 fruit, and up to 2 dairy per day. NO sugar or starches allowed. The following 3 weeks you may add sugar and starches back into your diet....slowly. This is also the time we will begin setting weekly goals and addressing current dietary guidelines. To read about Dr. Padla's thoughts on USDA recommendations, go to Cracks in the Food Group Pyramid in the Wellness Letters under Dieting Resources on our website at

Remember, the hCG diet is not a cure-all. If you resume your old eating habits, you WILL gain weight back. In the maintenance period you will be establishing new eating habits to support your new weight set-point. There is scientific evidence to support the role of meal replacements in weight control by providing structure, improving nutrition, and reducing decision anxiety over food choices. Read Dr. Padla's Wellness Letter on Meal Replacement Shake Products at

Dr. Dennis Padla
Manage Your Weight

These weight reduction treatments include the use of hCG, a drug which has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as safe and effective in the treatment of obesity or weight control.